SkateChurch SLC

As some of you may know, Josh Jost, our Salt Lake City member of the Hidden fam, has started a SkateChurch ministry out there and God has been doing some sweet stuff with it. Here is a little writeup from Josh about it. 

SkateChurch is going awesome! For the past 7 months we have been meeting on the first Tuesday of every month at an indoor skate park called We Are One. God has really been at work within these last two months especially. We had one kid, Hunter Callanan, get baptized a few weeks ago and another kid Dakota Gaorte is getting baptized within the next month. I wanna also give a shout out to three guys that have really made this possible. David Askvig, Jared Mclure, and Rob Dean have been a big help with it all.
 -Josh Jost




Here I am once again, finding myself at a loss for words to express my gratitude to the amazing people of Lubbock. This past weekend, Charles and I headed over to the Lubbock Trail Jam and were greeted once again by the kindness of Brett and Chris, two of the local diggers who made the jam possible.  

Logan still lives in Lubbock and so it was SUCH a treat to get to see him and ride with him, and our buddy Dan came out, grilled some weiners and rode street with us the next day. We all had an absolute blast and cannot wait for our next trip out there!  

In riding news, Charles and I both made it through the mainline at the trails, which is an absolute miracle and we were SO stoked. So much so that we even trained the mainline together. What a great weekend.  



I am SO excited to finally announce that we have 3/4 length baseball tees! They are called "The Safe Tee" as dubbed by their artist, Dan Miller.  

We also got some new colors in of the classic "hddn" shirt, which now comes in heather gray and white. Now go to the store and order them while supplies last!

Back in Action!

So the team has been incredibly busy lately. Josh Jost and I have both been traveling and are both back to our homes now. 

Josh went out for a skatepark tour with his SkateChurch ministry in Salt Lake City (more about that awesome ministry soon).  

Josh and the SkateChurch boys!

I've been on a trip with Tree Bicycle Co for the past ten days and it was an absolute blast. It was such an honor being on a trip with those guys and I can't wait for the next one. I'm finally back in town though and getting caught up on all the new product and updates! That's right, you read that correctly, NEW PRODUCT! The site will be updated shortly with the new gear!


The Tree bikes team and Jeff Z.